Monday, July 11, 2011

Two Out of Three

Jamesie is feeling much better -- he has been back to his usual sunshine self yesterday and today, and he's drinking his bottles again, which is great! He also managed to launch himself out of his crib at naptime today, which is not so great. Mike heard crying and went in to find James face down on the floor (a thick carpet), but apparently no worse for wear. He was pretty much fine by the time Mike brought him out to the kitchen, where I was. We think he got a foothold on a shelf that was near the crib, so we moved that shelf and hope to have no more repeat performances!

Mattie also seems to be recovered. After a clingy and whiny sick day yesterday, he was cheerful and happy this morning. (Thank goodness for Sesame Street. We watched a lot of Elmo this weekend!)

But poor Mike is still feeling pretty awful, with a bad headache and chills and aches, but slightly better than yesterday. We went to the dentist today because the theory is that he may have had a tooth or gum infection that got into his bloodstream. The dentist said that's possible, but it didn't look like there were any active tooth or gum problems right now. So that's good, in a way, but bad because we were hoping the dentist might be able to do something to help Mike feel better faster!

Our babysitter B came in for a while yesterday to help us out, which was wonderful and much appreciated. Our original plan was that she would come on Saturday so we could go out for an anniversary date; instead we ended up making a trip to urgent care for Mike on Sunday!

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