Monday, July 13, 2020

Heat Wave

 Buffalo had record setting heat last week (highest number of days above 90 degrees -- usually very rare for us!)  We went out for ice cream with our friends, but even in the shade it was so warm that the ice cream melted almost as fast as we could eat it!  We were thinking we might take a walk in the park next to the ice cream place, but we were melting too, so we skipped it.  :)

Sunday, July 12, 2020


James has needed a haircut for a while, so we finally braved the haircut place. They have new procedures where people wait in their cars, wear masks, etc., and we picked a non-busy time. And we're happy with the results!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Marble Relay

So it turns out that marble racing is branching out into a variety of events. (The Marble-lympics that Jelle's Marble Runs does has sixteen events this year, including ten new ones, as James informs me. There are balance events, long jumps, and more.)  Here, James has set up a marble relay race with Hot Wheel tracks and Legos. :)  Some of the races are close so he records them with his iPad so that he can watch the replay in slow motion.