Thursday, July 14, 2011


We took Mattie to the "dagada" (doctor) yesterday because he had a rash -- and as I expected, she said it was just one of the symptoms of the virus and nothing to worry about, and it's gone today.

Matthew was funny -- before we went, he said, "Matthew go to the doctor. Doctor look at Matthew's ears!" (Since James always has to go to the doctor for his ears, I guess Mattie figured it was his turn!) Mattie also adopted a brochure on childhood obesity (of all things) from the exam room as his "dagada book", and happily brought it home and wanted it read to him. (The storyline did not, as it turns out, keep his interest.)

Mike is slowly improving, but not back to himself yet. (Third visit to urgent care yesterday for a followup visit, and let me just say that we have saved over $150 this week in copays alone by having him on his own insurance instead of mine.)

James continues to be delightful. And of course as soon as I mentioned on the blog that his favorite bedtime book was about hungry monsters, he switched his story allegiance to "Goodnight, Gorilla." Oh well!
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1 comment:

craig said...

"Goodnight Gorilla" *is* a quality children's book. Kvelling that your kids are already exhibiting good taste in books!