Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Decade

Happy 10th anniversary to my wonderful and amazing husband!  I love you!

We celebrated tonight by looking through our wedding album -- what a fabulous weekend that was!  We were so lucky to be surrounded by our friends and family.

And even though we're spending our 10th anniversary trying to get babies to sleep instead of lounging on a Caribbean island, we're very happy with how things are turning out.  :)


Ann said...

Chris and I recalled that after the wedding we were all at your mom's house and we were watching the video of the wedding and Mike is sitting there and he says, "Oh, I hope she says "yes" again." Chris and I just cracked up!

Blessings to you!


Naomi said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! You have such a beautiful family. May God bless you all! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in few weeks:D

Niki said...

That was a super fun weekend. Congrats to you.