Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bye Bye Baby

Baby Seth and his parents headed home today. It sure seems quieter around here without them (and that's not a crying baby comment!)

Grandma moved the toy kitchen outside so that Mattie and Jamesie could have real water in the play sink and pans. She spent quite a while refilling their pots with the watering bucket! (What lucky boys!)

James is putting more and more words together. This morning when they were playing with the vacuum, James said, "Brush is missing!" (It was.) And then tonight he said another long sentence, which I can't remember but I think was something like, "The ball is right here." And he says, "Up and down" for the bouncing game that he and Mattie play.

We enjoyed Sonny's barbeque for dinner. Mattie didn't want to sit in the high chair or his booster seat, so he ended up on Grandma's lap. (James, on the other hand, likes his high chair.) Mattie really enjoyed his macaroni and cheese, and sampled some of the other food, too.

'Tina came over after dinner, much to the boys' delight. They stayed up past their bedtime playing with her and they had a blast running around, playing with beach balls, and singing songs.

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