Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Fun

We had another fun day, including a visit from family friends. 'Tina was a big hit with the boys -- in fact, they were playing with her out on the porch, and when I went to check on them, Matthew said, "Mommy go away." Although I don't want to encourage him to talk that way, I did not argue with him. :) (I also didn't argue with him when he said the same thing after a half-hour or so of putting him to bed tonight -- much as I love him, I would be delighted if he wanted to go to sleep on his own -- but as I suspected, I had only been out of the room about a minute when I heard, "Mommy, Mommy, I need Mommy.")

On the other hand, every time I was holding baby Seth, Jamesie would come running saying, "Mommy, Mommy, up, up!" Matthew is usually much more of a mommy's boy, so I was surprised that James was the one who is a little jealous of the baby!

The boys are branching out slightly in their artistic pursuits -- Mattie yesterday told me he was drawing "a tiny flower", and Jamesie said he drew a "line." This is a step up from scribbling!

1 comment:

Niki said...

Your brother looks natural as a daddy.