Friday, July 15, 2011


We finally got over to the hospital today to get James his new earmolds -- the hearing aids seem to be fitting better with them. Yay!

Unfortunately, he still has fluid in his ears (no surprise with the recent ear infection), so they squeezed us in with the ear doctor on Monday. It looks like he'll probably get a new set of tubes sooner rather than later. I know it's a good thing to get it taken care of, but I'm sad that he has to have yet another surgery.

Mattie is all about the baby swing when we go to the playground, and he wants to be pushed fast! James, on the other hand, prefers the big boy swings (but still likes climbing and going down the slides the best).

P.S. You can't quite see it in this picture, but James insisted on wearing socks with his sandals (because brother had socks on).

1 comment:

Niki said...

socks with sandals??????
eh gads...