Sunday, July 10, 2011

Triple Fever

Everybody here is sick except me -- poor little James has infections in both ears plus some kind of virus, and Mattie seems to also have the virus. Mike has some other kind of illness (bacterial infection, the doctor thinks) that's giving him fever and headaches and other unpleasantness.

James won't drink anything (his mouth or throat hurts, apparently -- he tries to drink and then says "hot, hot" and cries), so once again we're glad to have that darn g-tube. We're able to give him enough formula with it that he's actually been in pretty good spirits for a good portion of the day.

Mattie hasn't been interested in eating much today, but he's been guzzling down milk like it's going out of style.

Mattie has had some very unhappy times, but it's been frustrating because twice today he's been hot and sick and just wanting to go to sleep, so I gave him some Tylenol in his bottle, and it kicked in just in time for him to perk up and not actually fall asleep.

I'm hoping everyone will feel better tomorrow!

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