Thursday, July 21, 2011

And Yet More Photos

The twins had a great day today -- they had fun with bubbles, and Mattie got to play with the hose. (Grandma got a special new hose handle that she thought he'd be able to squeeze on his own, and she was right! Her flowers are now well-watered, to say the least.) Mattie also got a homemade popsicle from Grandma and got to help her sweep off the sidewalk. These last two were when he was supposed to be taking a nap, so he made out pretty well today!

Baby Seth had an excellent long nap today, but only when his mommy was holding him. (She's happy to have a Kindle with one-handed operation!)

After dinner we went to the playground with our boys and they enjoyed going on the merry-go-round.

[The picture with Mike in the pool is actually Matthew; he was just wearing James's hat.]

1 comment:

Niki said...

sooooooo, what is the deal with going from 0 grandkids to 4 in 4 years and they are all boys?