Monday, August 31, 2009

One-Stop Shopping

It looks like James's surgery will be on Friday. They'll remove the strictures, hopefully do the reconnection of his intestines, fix a small hernia that he has, insert a G-tube, and do his circumcision. Whew! It sounds like a lot (and it is), but it's good to get it all done at once so that he only has to be under anesthesia once.

The G-tube is a tube that goes directly into his stomach for feedings. He's currently being fed with an NG-tube, which goes down his nose into his stomach, but babies can't go home with that kind of tube. Sometimes babies with feeding intolerance have to be on continuous feeds for a long time (months), and so if he has the G-tube, we would be able to do that at home. I hope that he won't need it for too long and will be able to transition to regular bottle/breast feeding, but who knows -- as we've seen, James seems to like to take things slowly.

He's still doing well with his feedings, and we had a nice long visit with him today.

[Photo is Matthew -- and don't worry, Mike was right next to him. We don't leave him on the edge of the couch by himself!]

1 comment:

Leigh Ann and John said...

Isn't he just the cutest little pea pod!