Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lazy Sunday

They restarted Jamesie's feedings yesterday around noon. He's not showing any signs of discomfort with it (but he's also not pooping yet, so we'll see how it goes.)

We took Matthew (and Stanley) on a walk around the neighborhood this morning, and he got to meet some of our neighbors. (Okay, he slept through it, but they got to meet him!)

UPDATED 10 PM: I had a nice visit with James this afternoon. I held him for a while, and he was wide awake and watching his mobile when I left. And, he'd been having some poop! It's not a lot, but it's a start.


Ann said...

I have James on every prayer list that I know and we prayed for him in service yesterday. A friend of mine emailed me back to let me know a friend of hers had a very premature little girl and had most of her colon removed and she is now a healthy little girl and never knew she ever had any problems! I have that vision for James too! He will tower over Matthew, (sorry Mattie)in high school and we will never even know who had the more struggle!

Hang in their guys, be sure to get rest and we will keep praying until James is home with his brother!

Niki said...

I love, love the picture of the two of them together.

Cindy Y said...

Go James, poop! Way to poop! Yay poop!