Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So, yeah, we totally jinxed ourselves by saying how well Matthew had slept the night before last. Ah well, tonight is another night! We'll lull him to sleep with the gentle sounds of America's Got Talent.

Jamesie is doing fine; he's had a little more poop (yay!) and we enjoyed hanging out with him today. His blood pressure is still a bit high, though, so they're going to give him labatalol (which is one of the medicines that Matthew is also on).


Ann said...

They are both just so cute! I tried to tell you to get rest when you could! Babies don't really care if it is light, dark, 2:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.! Hopefully, soon he will get into a routine until James comes home and messes it up! LOL!!!!

Love you all

Auntie Ann

Unknown said...

You guys are incredible. I did not realize the trials you have been/are going through. My thoughts/prayers/cheers are with you.

Love, Jeannie (Loeb)