Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Plan

James is still stable this morning; he's still on the cannula, but hasn't been really having respiratory problems. His blood pressures have been fine, and his sodium is also on the rise, which they're happy about. Nothing has grown in the cultures yet, but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet, so it's still possible they might find evidence of an infection.

The surgeons put a little probe into the stoma (the ostomy opening), and James pooped around it and pooped a little more afterwards. So that suggests that the stoma is open and the problem isn't there, but the procedure also maybe helped to make him a little more comfortable by moving some things through.

The plan is for him to have the GI studies tomorrow, assuming his vital signs continue to be good. (It's possible they would delay it if something turns positive in the blood cultures, however.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the tests go smoothly tomorrow and that you have good reports soon. Give that cutie pie a kiss from me.