Thursday, August 6, 2009

Reflection and Regurgitation

Good afternoon report from the nurse -- James is still tolerating his food (and had a little bit of poop -- hooray!!). They're up to 4 ml an hour now. The occupational therapist came to see him again, and he was awake for her. They also showed him his mirror, and he was fascinated by it. Cool! We plan to go in this evening (more relatives in town).

Matthew was the troublemaker today. He gets his medicine in his morning and night bottles, and we usually give it in a very small amount of milk (about 10 ml) to make sure he drinks it all. Well, this morning I knew he was hungry because it had been a little longer than usual between feedings, so I put the medicine in about 25 ml of milk -- which is still not a lot for him (he drinks anywhere from 35-60 ml at a feeding). Of course, this was the morning he threw it all right back up. (I think he's only vomited once before, back when he was in the hospital; he's had a bit of spit up here and there, but this was definitely different from that.) I guess I get to check off the "getting puked on" box on my parent list! We called the pediatrician to see if we should give him more medicine or just skip that dose, and when more than an hour went by before we heard back from them, we called the NICU doctor (who told us just to give the evening dose).

We took his temperature (after putting the battery in the thermometer the wrong way, and having to dig the instructions out of the trash to figure out what was wrong), and it was fine, and he's been acting fine and keeping his food down ever since. So, we don't think he's sick -- maybe he just ate too fast and it didn't agree with him.


Ann said...

I bet I know who the relatives are? Uncle Henry and James had alot to talk about! LOL!!!!

Love you all!

Aunt Ann

Yvonne said...

Could be related to what you're eating - one of my worst getting-barfed-on episodes with C was after I fed her about 2 hrs after gulping down a bunch of orange juice. Oops. Learned the hard way to be a bit more careful about my personal food cravings after that.