Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Waiting and Seeing

We visited James late Saturday night. He is on a canula to assure that his oxygen stays saturated and he is receiving a couple of different antibiotics. The doctor and nurse think that something is brewing inside him, but they don't know what and the cultures have not shown anything. They weren't able to test for meningitis (because his belly is distended, they couldn't get him in the position needed for the spinal tap), but there is speculation that he could have an infection in his cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), which is what meningitis is. His blood pressure is OK and he doesn't seem to have a fever, which would suggest that he doesn't have an infection, but his sodium levels were low, which suggests that he does. So, we're back to the standard weekend ritual of waiting to see what unfolds and hoping for the best.

The picture of James is from yesterday (Friday).


Unknown said...

We're keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!!! Hugs to all of you!!!

Tanya said...

Poor sweet little James! We are sending good thoughts his way, and to the parents who are enduring so much.

Ann said...

Stay strong and believe in good reports! We are praying for all of you because we know it takes a toll on you too!

We love you all and will pray continously for James!