Friday, August 28, 2009

Pod E

Jamesie was still in Pod E when we went to visit this afternoon. When we arrived, his nurse had him propped up in a sitting position in his crib, like a little Buddha. He also got to sit with his Auntie Nora for a while. He peeked up to see who it was, but mostly was sleeping peacefully while we were there. (He'd had another busy morning, with both speech and occupational therapy coming in to work with him. He's doing well with the pacifier dipped in formula -- next step would be back to the bottle.) All is still going well with tolerating his food (the same 5 ml/hour).

I liked the Earth painting above James's temporary spot, but I have to say I prefer Pod F. :)

Mattie's exciting day included meeting his cousin Daniel (age one), having a blowout poopy diaper that necessitated a change of clothes for Daddy, and sleeping through a lovely gathering of neighborhood friends. Our friends' little daughter C was there, and she very gently touched his foot and rubbed his head. It was sweet -- I said we'd remind them of that when they were teenagers. :)

Mattie's also been eating a lot today (we call him the hungry hungry hippo), so maybe we're coming up on a growth spurt.

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