Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's the Weekend, It Must be Trouble, pt 2

So now the latest word is that James had a few episodes of 'de-stats' (low oxygen levels in his blood) so the doctors are looking at urine, blood, and spinal fluid for infection. He is already receiving antibiotics just in case. This is a routine way of dealing with the possibility of an infection, so the course of action is not especially alarming, but it only adds to our stress and to the little boy's discomfort. The doctor called us to say she thought he looked a little 'punky', by which she meant he didn't look like his normal self. The fact that he had some de-sats was itself a bit unusual, and can be an early sign of being sick. His sodium levels were also low, which can be another indicator. So, we won't know the results of the tests until 48 hours or if one of the cultures returns a positive (infectious) result.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

We're sending good thoughts your way (and his way too, of course). Take care.