Friday, August 7, 2009

Five at Five

We had a nice visit with James today. He's still doing well with his feeds, and they're up to 5 ml now (starting at 5 PM). He didn't sit in his bouncy seat while we were there (because we were holding him), but they might give it a try tonight if he's awake. He was alert at the end of our visit, and really enjoying his mirror!

We also brought in a couple of books, and read him "Goodnight Moon." Despite the fact that this a beloved children's classic, it was the first time either Mike or I had read it. :) James mostly slept through it, which I suppose is the point.

Two other milestones today: we finished the first of what will no doubt be many packages of diapers (though, in fairness, there are a couple still in the diaper bag). However, thanks to Grandma and Auntie Nora, we're still well-supplied for the time being. And the boys joined the great bureaucracy -- they received their Social Security cards. (Which reminds me that we also need to order copies of their birth certificates, so that no one gives them a hassle if they decide to run for President.)

We also had the first "mistaken for a dog toy" baby toy casualty today -- Stanley chewed the leg off of one of the stuffed animals on Matthew's bouncy seat before we realized he had it. I took it away and told him no, but I couldn't really bring myself to be mad at him, because how was he supposed to know that it wasn't a dog toy? (He'll have to learn somehow, though! In the meantime, we have learned to put the stuffed toys up high when they're not being used.)

Matthew had his visit from the home nurse today (insurance has approved six visits for now), and despite his thrown-up medicine dose yesterday, his blood pressure was still fine.

1 comment:

Nora said...

Despite its claim to being the best loved bed time story, I had never read Goodnight Moon before I had Daniel either! Daniel finds it extremely boring - I have never actually been able to read the whole thing to him. He much prefers Sandra Boynton's "The Going to Bed Book" and "Sleepytime Farm" by somebody I don't remember.

Glad to hear things are going well! We're looking forward to coming to see the boys (and you guys!) again some time soon! :)