Tuesday, September 1, 2009


James had yet another field trip to radiology today; the surgeon wanted a barium study of how much colon he had below his ostomy. (Answer: not much, but should be enough for the reattachment.) Fortunately this was a fairly simple procedure (just to provide information for Friday's surgery), and James did fine with it.

We had a chance to talk to the surgeon who did his previous surgery, and although they can't really say for sure what they'll need to do until they go in and see how the intestines look, we felt encouraged after talking to him. (He did warn us that James was likely to have a nasty diaper rash after the surgery, since his skin isn't used to having poop on it any more!)

The docs considered going up on James's feeds since he's doing so well, but then they decided that since the surgery is coming up so soon, they won't rock the boat.

James was wide awake before we left, and his nurse was holding him on her lap. His neck muscles seem to be getting stronger, and he's definitely interested what's going on around him. So adorable!

The boys continue to be about a pound different in their weights -- Matthew is about 7 lbs, 13 oz, and James is around 8 lbs, 14 oz. James has a bit of fluid retention still (accounting for maybe a couple ounces), but a lot of that is probably real growth.

Also -- we have an 8 GB memory card in the camera, and we do clear it off every so often, and we still managed to get the "memory card full" message this evening! I guess the boys don't have to worry about not having enough baby pictures. :)

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