Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rainy Saturday

Jamesie's feeds went up to 74 ml today. He'd done fine with 69 mls, but the first feeding of the 74, he had a little bit of spit-up and seemed uncomfortable, so they only gave him half of the next feeding to give his tummy a chance to catch up with the higher volume. That seemed to help, and his night nurse told us he took a 25 ml bottle! (He was sleeping when we were visiting, so we just let him rest.)

One of the other benefits of getting rid of the PICC line is that he can have both his arms in his outfits -- before, the arm with the PICC line was left out so that the clothes didn't pull on the line.

Mattie tried something new today -- prune juice. We gave him a little bit for its digestive effects (which have not yet been evident). He's also been putting his hands in his mouth quite a bit, and even sucking on his thumb a little. Very cute!

Mike and I got our flu shots today, as some extra insurance in case our plan of "avoiding sick people" doesn't work.

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