Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Waiting

We arrived at the hospital early this morning (poor Mike only managed about two hours of sleep beforehand), in time to see James before his surgery. He was doing fine, and he was indeed the first patient of the day. I was allowed to go with him and his nurse down to the surgery floor, but we were only there for a few minutes before the anesthesiology team came to get him prepped. (Mike would have been allowed to go, too, but he stayed upstairs with Matthew. The medical team probably would have been happier if it had been the other way around, because Mike cries a lot less than I do!)

We went to get some breakfast at the hospital food court (new to us; it just opened recently and is tucked away behind Memorial Hospital), and we've been hanging out here in the NICU waiting. It may be another hour or two; we don't really know.

We are very happy that James has a great nurse today, his night associate nurse is scheduled for tonight, and his primary nurse is on this weekend. (I probably shouldn't post this next part, but I'm going to do it anyhow and maybe delete it later.) I am all the more happy for this because I was not too impressed with his nurse from last night (who we had never met before). When we arrived, James looked a little bigger to me, but I wasn't sure if it was just the blankets he was wrapped in. Mike asked about James's girth measurement, and the nurse had to look it up on the computer. Well, it was 39.5, a full two centimeters bigger than it had been yesterday. Since he was going to surgery today, we weren't too concerned about it, but normally, a big jump like this would have caused one of our regular nurses to notify a doctor, and (given his recent experiences) probably also sit him up to see if he needed to burp to get some air out. Instead, it appears that this nurse didn't think anything of it and just entered the info into the computer. Also when I arrived, James had a little bit of dried saliva under his lips. Not a big deal at all (he tends to sleep with his mouth open), but most nurses would have cleaned it off, especially since he was headed down to surgery. (I cleaned it off; I didn't want him to be uncomfortable!) I'm glad that the people taking care of him this weekend are the ones who go (far!) beyond the bare minimum.


Tanya said...

You go, Mel! Vent your frustrations! You deserve it.

I would have cried too. Here's a long-distance shoulder for you.

Ann said...

It is all a big deal when it is your baby! If you see a nurse you do not know, you have every right to let them know what has been going on and the bigger the crocidile tears, I think the better they will listen!

Sometimes, even nurses and drs, get caught up in the work routine and forget they are dealing with human lives! Remind them, that James along with Matthew are the most precious little human beings to you!

I remember before I went in for my surgery and I asked the surgeon if he loved his wife and he said very much so and I said good, pretend I am her on the table! He remembers me everytime now when I am walking through the hospital and tells me, he still loves his wife!

Update when you can! We are anxiously awaiting!

Love to you all
