Thursday, September 17, 2009

Little Squirt

Matthew's morning didn't get off to the best start -- he managed to squirt himself in the face during a diaper change, and had to be promptly put in the bath! But then he made up for it by getting some grandparent love.

Jamesie's feeds are up to 8 ml/hour, and so far he's doing well with them. When we called this afternoon to check in, his nurse was reading him a book. :) We're off to visit him now.

11 PM update: James took a 9 ml bottle this evening! He's now allowed to have bottles up to three times a day (with the rest still through the tube). Grandpa Green, Mike, and I had a very nice visit with him. They also removed his respiration and heart rate monitors (though they still have his pulse oxygen monitor, which also records heart rate). It's nice to have at least a couple fewer wires to contend with!


Niki said...

Glad things seem to be going well as we approach a weekend.

Ann said...

Yea! A nice weekend for a change? Everyone is still praying for "Sweet Baby James" as he is now called by many here! Get me a nice update picture!

Don't worry Matthew! I send your pictures too! We love you too!

