Monday, June 27, 2011

The World According to Mattie Bear

Matthew is just amazing these days with all the connections he's making and new things he's learning. He's saying things like, "I go swimming in the swimming pool tomorrow with Ms. Barbara. See other babies!" (We haven't quite broken the news to him that swimming lessons are over.)

I love (love love) that he has an understanding that things will happen in the future. He's usually really good about stopping something or not getting something if he knows he can do it again "later" or "tomorrow." (Prime candidates for this: playing with the vacuum and playing with the water in the tub.)

He has been addressing James by name more often, which is just adorable. Yesterday he was in their play tent, and said, "Come on in, James!" I was also impressed the other day when James had Mattie's stuffed beagle, and Mattie looked mildly concerned and said, "Mine beagle!" -- but instead of grabbing it away, he picked up another stuffed dog, and gave to to James, who was perfectly happy to trade the beagle for the other dog. (Go Mattie!)

One day at dinner, Mike gave Matthew some honey, and he wanted more -- but Mike told him he had to wait because it was hot (on some biscuits that had just come out of the oven). Matthew thought about this for a minute, and said, "Pooh, owie!" (One of his Winnie the Pooh books is largely about how much Pooh likes honey.) So Mike had to explain to Mattie that Pooh doesn't have a stove, so his honey doesn't get too hot. :)

Our bathroom has a plunger in it (I know, it should be in the garage), and Mattie knows that he's not supposed to touch it because it's very dirty, and that if the toilet breaks, Daddy uses it to fix the toilet. So one evening Mattie was trying to slam the toilet lid on his potty seat, and I told him not to do that because it would break the Elmo potty. Mattie replied that, "Daddy fix it, with that one!" (pointing to the plunger -- I don't think we've ever told him the name for it). Umm, not quite, kiddo!

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