Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday Done Right

Our friends helped us start the weekend off right yesterday, by having us over for a cookout (which ended up being inside due to August-like the heat and humidity combination). Despite the picture, Mike did not make Matthew pull the wagon full of margarita fixings all the way up the driveway. :)

We fed the boys beforehand just in case, but they enjoyed some of grillmaster Y's sausages, and Matthew drank two (small) cups of mango lassi. He did so well with it, in fact, that when he asked for water, I gave it to him in another regular cup instead of a sippy cup -- and then he prompted dumped almost the whole thing on the floor. (This is why two-year olds get a bad rep.)

The adults enjoyed Lakshmi's bhel puri, an Indian appetizer that is spicy but delicious. Yum! We are so lucky to have neighbors who are so much fun to hang out with and also great cooks. :)

A high point for James and Matthew was "riding" C's bicycle, with training wheels and Mike's help. (James says "bicycle" very well these days, by the way!) They wanted to do it more and more until Mike hid the bike away. He now thinks they're old enough for bikes, but I disagree!

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