Thursday, June 30, 2011


Matthew is enjoying the word "not" these days. He informed us that "Thunder is outside. It is not inside." And when he wanted me to put a cup on my hand, "Mommy's hand is too big. James's hand is not too big. Matthew's hand is not too big."

And although it's not really the same thing, the other day when James looked like he was going to chew on a book, Mattie said, "Not in the mouth, James!" (So far, it's actually very cute when he tells his brother what not to do, because he's clearly just repeating what he's heard us say, and he doesn't have any intent to be obnoxious. But James is no more obedient for Matthew than he is for us!)

[Photo from 6/20]

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I love this Matthew's face! Aaaaahhhh I miss boys!!!