Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vacuum Chair

Can't blame Daddy for this one -- James insisted on wearing these red shorts this evening, even though Mike suggested some other choices!

When we got home from the playground, Mattie said that we "might need a key" to get in the front door. Then he immediately found a small stick and tried to pick the lock with it! (He saw Mike do that once or twice when the bathroom door got accidentally locked, and clearly it made an impression. I guess it's never too early to work on those breaking and entering skills.)

Mike commented this evening (to me) that the boys needed haircuts. Matthew patted his head and said, "There," and we said that was right, and then he said, "Vacuum chair." Apparently he remembers at least the high points of the barbershop!

I'm pretty sure James said, "Up the hill" when he was walking up the driveway this evening (and I think he also said "play the straps" the other day, which is what Mattie says when he wants to buckle the high chair straps). He wouldn't repeat either of them, but I think we're moving into three-word combination territory.


Jeff Pomerantz said...

Here's some good age-appropriate educational materials for the boys, then: MIT Guide to Lock Picking http://www.lysator.liu.se/mit-guide/MITLockGuide.pdf

Melanie said...

Jeff, should I be worried that you have that useful reference so readily available? :)