Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First Swim Lessons

The boys went for their first swimming lesson yesterday. Matthew was very excited about it and had no problem getting in the water. Somewhat to our surprise, James just wanted to be held by Mommy the whole time. (Since almost all of the class involved the kids being held by their parents in the slightly deeper part of the pool, this wasn't actually a big deal.) I think part of the problem was that James gets chilly in the water -- he was fine for most of the time, but shivering by the end!

I had originally thought that a half-hour was a pretty short class (what can you get done in a half-hour?), but it turns out to be about perfect for two-year-old attention spans. Ms. Barbara took pictures of everyone, we sang a song, worked on kicking, worked on arm movements, and that was that. Seemed like a good start to me!

James can't wear his hearing aid in the pool, but it turns out that it's really hard to hear at the pool anyhow because of the background noise and/or the acoustics of the room. So, that's not exactly a good thing, but at least it's a level playing field. :) And the instructor is pretty much talking to the parents and not the kids anyhow, and since we're holding the boys, we can talk directly into their ears.

1 comment:

Niki said...

1. swimming is awesome!
2. anything longer than 30 minutes for toddlers is a waste :-)