Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Three Twos

Our neighbors L & S invited us over for dinner tonight, along with other friends of theirs who also have a two year old. (Actually, he's not going to be two until the fall, but he's already bigger than Mattie and James!)

The boys had a great time playing together! They imitated each other, ran laps through the house, and found the "big ball" (one of those huge exercise balls). They also liked playing with R's old dinosaurs and toy cars. The adults enjoyed themselves, too; it was wonderful company.

We told Mattie that we were going over to Miss Lakshmi's house (I suppose that should be Mrs., but that's harder to say), and he said, "See baby Ellie! Play the piano!" (He thought we were going back to J & Y's!) So we told him that no, baby Ellie wasn't going to be there, that we were going to Blizzy's house. He was pretty happy to see Blizzy-dog, too. :)

Mattie also enjoyed the ice cream for dessert. Lakshmi offered him some and he sat right down and very obediently ate it off the spoon. James, as usual, wouldn't even take a bite. I don't know what that child has against ice cream!

We also had swimming class this morning. Both of them were happy to get into the water, and Mattie did a great job all the way through, including going underwater. Poor Jamesie started shivering when we were only about a third of the way through class, so he and I got out and dried off so he could warm up. He got back in at the end and happily went underwater, too. (So, when we went home I ordered him a baby wetsuit from Ebay -- apparently babies get too cold in the pool often enough that our swimming instructor has a wetsuit brand that she recommends!)

1 comment:

Niki said...

the top picture of the 3 boys is so well balanced that it looks posed. good job capturing that moment.