Thursday, June 9, 2011

Open Doors, Part 2

Now Jamesie can open the doors! We are happy for his accomplishment, but sad because it was nice to be able to easily block off rooms if we didn't want them in there. Ah well, such is the price of progress.

James and Mattie now (if they're in the mood) will say "cheese" and smile for pictures. My point-and-shoot camera was too slow to capture it, but Jamesie puts his hands up by his cheeks when he says it -- so cute!!

Our former babysitter N came by for a visit yesterday, and she brought birthday presents for the boys. They were happy to see her, and they LOVE their new Elmo phones. They carried them around most of the rest of the day. (And she is very wise because she got the exact same thing for both of them! It was perfect except for one point in the evening when Mattie decided he wanted them both and kept trying to grab James's away from him.) Thanks so much, N!!

I asked Mattie who he was calling, and he first named S (our current babysitter's daughter, who he adores). Then he said he was calling Grandma. When I asked James, he said he was calling "Papa" (Grandpa).

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