Monday, June 20, 2011

Swimming Success

We went to the lake this afternoon and tried out the boys' new life jackets (Stearns Puddle Jumpers). They're ones that are specially designed for kids to encourage swimming skills, and can let the kids be either on their front or on their back. They worked great, and the boys enjoyed swimming with them! James especially had a great time paddling and kicking. Mattie still wanted someone to hold on to him (which is fine!)

They're supposedly for kids 30 lbs and up, so we were a little concerned that it would be too big for James, but it seemed to work fine. The only thing is that the arm pieces reach just a little past his upper arm, so it's a little more unwieldy for him to bend his elbows.

It's awesome because we don't have to be holding their hands or holding them constantly in the water, so it gives everyone a little more freedom, and although they can put their heads in the water, they won't get dunked in a scary way. Obviously we still stay close and keep an eye on them all the time, but it's more relaxing to know that they have another line of protection.

We were hoping to also give James's new wetsuit a trial run, but he did not want to let us put it on and we figured it wasn't work the fuss for today (over 90 degrees outside!) He did eventually get cold in the water, but we probably were there for about as long as we wanted anyhow.


Niki said...

I love the face on the front.
I kinda want one...

Melanie said...

Niki -- I know! (They come in other cute designs, too.) But alas, it only fits up to 50 lbs. :) We'll have to make do with the wacky noodles.