Monday, May 23, 2011

Margaritas and Cake

We had too much leftover cake to finish on our own, so Mike invited friends over for margaritas and cake (which turned out to be be a more-appetizing combination of margaritas and tacos, followed by cake. Thanks to Georgia and Mary Ellen for making the tacos!) The margaritas were also a tasty way to use up the remaining strawberries from last week's strawberry-picking expedition.

Mattie was excited by the meal because he got to have "pips" (chips -- he likes salsa), and Jamesie actually ate some of the taco meat.

In other news, some of our safety lessons seem to be making an impression on Matthew. Several times recently, he's spontaneously said, "No walk in the road! Cars are in the road!" That's right, kiddo! (He's also repeating a lot of what we say -- pretty amazing.)

Mattie has also been sleeping in his fire truck toddler bed, which is good, since he seemed to not want to be in his crib any more. It's still taking him a pretty long time to fall asleep at night, though (which is frustrating because I end up being in there -- hard to let him cry it out when he can just get out of bed!)

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