Monday, May 2, 2011

Anybody Want a Kitty?

This little guy (or girl, we don't know) had made his way up into the engine of my car, and some people walking by heard the meowing. Mike convinced him to come out with some tuna, and our friend J brought over their cat carrier to keep him in (and they're keeping him overnight, too -- many thanks, J & Y!)

He's a super cute little tiny kitty, but we can't keep him. (Mike is allergic.) So, we have to take him to the shelter tomorrow unless somebody on our neighborhood mailing list decides they need a new kitten. Fortunately, I think our shelter has a good adoption rate and works with a lot of rescue groups to find homes for adoptable animals. Also fortunately, Mattie and Jamesie aren't old enough to decide that they want a kitty!

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