Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

We enjoyed a lovely brunch at J & Y's yesterday. It turns out James is a fan of both quiche and baby E's exersaucer-type toy! (He climbed right into it himself.) I think Mike was actually able to have some adult conversations -- I was mostly toddler-wrangling, but that's fine. :)

Today the boys wanted to go on the big boy swings instead of the baby swings! They did very well, although I don't trust them yet to not let go of the chains. (The couple seconds I took to snap this picture was the only time I didn't have my hands right behind James.)

For the second round of the hearing study James is participating in, we did the same "words James is saying" questionnaire as the first time. He's up to 217 words now (from 47 in, I think, February). Go, James!

Today Mattie said his first and last name. He also, when he was leaving the room and I asked him where he was going, said, "Be right back."

Hope you all had a good Memorial Day! We honor the memory of those who died for our country, and hope that one day we will have a peaceful world where no other families will have to make that same sacrifice.

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