Monday, May 30, 2011

Culturally Competent

With his toy kitchen set, Mattie showed me and talked through all the steps of cooking an egg -- he cracked it, mixed it, put in in the pan, told me it was hot, let it cool down, and ate it with a yum!

He also now knows the word "iPod" (though he says "hipod") for his music. And sometimes when he sees me with the camera, he wants to sit down and look at all the pictures. And he knows that James's FM system is a "microphone" for "brother's ear."

His favorite words for today are "this" and "that" (Matthew is in "this room", brother is in "that room"; he wants "that one, over there.")

In addition to E-I-E-I (Old McDonald) and the Elmo song, Mattie also now requests "Hammer" -- Arlo Guthrie's Bling Blang. (I consider this a parenting triumph.)

James and Mattie were in the tub the other day and they were both playing with the water coming out of the faucet. Mattie said, "Stuck!" and I asked him which part of him was stuck. He replied, "Brother!" (His leg was tangled up with James's.)

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