Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yes Indeed, He's Walking

James walked around the longer block today with N (or walked most of it, anyhow).  We hope he'll still be content to have the occasional stroller ride after all this freedom!  He loves the "outside!"

James's recent words include no, table, sun, Isaac (his uncle), and Ernie (the Sesame Street character). 

After another miserable night, Mattie went to the doctor today.  (Mike tells me that he got to stand up on the big-boy scale instead of being put on the baby scale, and didn't mind that at all.) He has a sinus infection and is now on antibiotics like his brother.  He at first refused to drink the milk with the medicine in it, demanding "regular" milk, but then he was okay with it.  (He learned the word regular after he asked for chocolate milk like his brother, but then didn't want it.  I admit that I am stunned that a child of mine prefers regular milk over chocolate milk, but maybe the Pediasure is an odd-tasting chocolate.)

Mattie now says a clear and definite "yes" in response to many questions.  It's so cute!  Some of his other favorite phrases right now are "turn the fan" (turn on the fan), "open the door", "in da pib" (in the crib), "sit da mommy" (sit with mommy).  He also likes switching his sound machine to all the different sounds, so he'll ask for "the beat" (heartbeat), or waterfall, rain, thunder, or ocean. 

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