Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have cleverly posted this on April 2, so that you can read it without fear of being April Fooled.  We are too sleep-deprived this week to come up with any good pranks. 

Grandma is here again for a short visit, and the boys had a great time with her this afternoon!  They were also very excited by the new toys and books she brought -- thanks, Grandma!  (The new toy rake is not pictured here, but I expect it is destined to become a favorite.)

James is getting better and better with recognizing letters.  Mattie brought the foam R into the bedroom this morning, and I said, "Mattie, can you tell Jamesie what that letter is?" and before he could answer, James looked up and said, "R!"  What a smart boy! 

Mike tells me that James points out the E and M on his James banner in his room, and he sometimes recognizes A (other times he gets it confused with V), so now we just need J and S for him to have his whole name.  :)  (As far as I know, Mattie doesn't know H or W yet, so he still has a couple to go for his name as well!) 

Jamesie's new words include "me", "dark", "stuck", "white" (though he doesn't always link it with the right color yet), "owie", and "bus" (with quite an excellent "s" at the end).  I think he's also saying "dancing", though that one is rather indistinct.  :)  And he said "elephant" when reading with Grandma today. So, he is chugging right along; his hearing therapist was very pleased at her last visit. 

We also had some sad news today -- Grandma and Grandpa Barr had to say goodbye to their beloved dog Maddie.  She had thirteen wonderful years with them and she will be missed. We are thinking of you, Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

G & G Barr said...

Go James! Thanks for the nice comment about Maddie.