Friday, April 8, 2011


 Mattie had his first big-boy haircut today, at Daddy's barbershop. He did not know quite what to make of the experience, but he was very good. They had a cushion on the chair to put him up high, and the guy worked fast. :)

About ten seconds after the barber put the cape on, Mattie said, "All done! All done!" But he stayed in the chair and was willing to be distracted with a book for a little while, and we did the last half of the haircut without the cape.

When the haircut was almost done, Mattie looked across the room and said, "Hose!" It turns out that at this barbershop, each cutting station has its own little vacuum. (You can see it in on the table in the second picture.) When we were done, the barber vacuumed the hair off Matthew and let him hold the vacuum for a minute. (So of course, after that, Mattie didn't want to leave!) The entire rest of the day, whenever we mentioned anything about the haircut, Mattie said, "Vacuum!"

I don't think he'll be mistaken for a girl on the playground any more. :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

He looks great!
I hope he keeps his love of the vaccuum when he is old enought o have chores.