Sunday, April 17, 2011

Native Language

Matthew's language skills are just amazing right now -- he's picking up words and phrases so quickly and putting them all together.  (It's probably just normal language development, but it seems brilliant to us!) 

I'm not thinking of the best examples right now, but an amusing one from today was that he informed Grandma that our holly bush (which has pointy leaves) was "the ouchy tree."

He also seems to have a longer attention span (and continues to be especially interested in figuring out how things work) but this has come with a slight downside -- the last couple days he has thrown big fits (probably worthy of being called tantrums) when he's had to stop doing something that he was enjoying.  Of course, I suspect being hungry also played into both of those, but I hope it's not a preview of coming attractions for the Twos!

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