Monday, April 25, 2011

Belated Happy Easter

Our Easter weekend plans all went down the drain because I got sick on Friday night, and spent most of the weekend in bed with a fever, while Mike played SuperDad. 

Our neighbors had invited us to an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday, but unfortunately, it overlapped almost completely with the boys' naptime.  He and the boys went by a little late, and although they missed out on the socializing, the neighbors kindly put a couple of eggs out on the grass for Mattie and James to "find."  (They don't quite have the idea of an Easter Egg hunt yet, although I expect they would have picked up on it quickly if they'd been there with other kids.)

Since they're too little for candy, we put fruity-flavored Cheerios in the eggs for them.  They really like playing with the plastic eggs, but didn't care too much about the new Cheerios (which is probably just as well). 

Our friends J & Y were over for a while on Sunday, fortunately during a time when I was feeling a bit better. The boys and C had fun with the water table, and little Miss E was her usual adorable self (and rapidly catching up with James in weight!)

Hope you all had a lovely (and healthier) weekend!

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