Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Fever, Literally

On Saturday, I noticed some blood in James's ear (never a good sign), but of course, it was after the doctor's office was closed.  He wasn't acting at all unhappy or sick, though.  So I brought him in on Monday, and the doctor diagnosed him with an ear infection.  Poor little guy!  (And also, it's so annoying that he gets his first ear infection AFTER he had the ear tubes!)  So he's on antibiotics now.

But the ear infection isn't slowing him down a bit.  His latest trick is swinging on the high chair like you see here.  (He just lifts his legs straight up and swings back and forth -- good abs!)

He also took a walk all the way around the block yesterday.  Babysitter N took him out for what she thought would be a little walk down the street, but he insisted on going further.  (She said she even spun him around to try to trick him into going back to the house, but he wasn't fooled!)  So he went all the way down our street, out to the main street, and back up to our house, all walking.  That route isn't that short and has some hills, so we were very impressed!  She said he knew exactly where he wanted to go.  He's an explorer!

Then on Monday night, Matthew woke up with a fever in the middle of the night, and was pretty miserable in the morning. Fortunately, Tylenol helped, and he's had some periods of feeling well in between feeling sick.  Poor little guy!

In the afternoon, he had perked up enough to play outside in the water with brother and Grandma.  I know the South Dakota relatives will be jealous of the sunny and 70-80 degree weather!  :)

James's hearing therapist asked at her last visit whether he was using two-word sentences frequency.  I said no, I wouldn't say frequently, it was more like occasionally.  So since then, of course, he's been using a ton of them!  ("Elmo bike", "Dada guitar", "Light on", "Water bye-bye" "Paci uh-oh").  Go James! 

So, do you think "Bubbles bubbles more more more!" should count as a five-word sentence?  :)

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