Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Twenty-One and a Half

James had another doctor's appointment today, and weighed in at 21 lbs, 9 oz.  It's good that he's still gaining, but they were hoping to see a little more gain. 

So, we have to try him on Elecare for a month and see what happens.  At this point I'm skeptical that it will make any difference, but we'll see.  They also did some bloodwork to check his vitamin levels and so on, and they had also made us an October appointment with his previous GI doctor.  Basically, they just want to make sure that he doesn't have a problem absorbing nutrients.

We didn't talk specifically about removing the g-tube at this appointment (which is fine because after James getting sick the last time, we were thinking it might not be a bad thing to have it through the fall, since he's no doubt going to be exposed to germs at preschool and we'd hate to have him stop eating again), but our sense is that the surgeon is not particularly concerned about James's growth and would still be fine with taking the tube out right now, but that he's going along with the nurse practitioner who wants to see more catch-up growth.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Keep gaining James!