Sunday, August 21, 2011

Daniel's Party

Nora and Adrian had an "end of summer" party on Saturday for Daniel's birthday.  It was a lot of fun, with tons of kids running around (and most of them young enough that they were all doing their own thing). We were outdoors at first, and then Mike discovered wasps by the slide, so we moved inside while he got rid of them.  All the kids were happy playing inside, so the party didn't move outside again until later (when Mattie got to play with the hose and fortunately did not water any of the other party-goers, and Jamesie camped out in the sandbox and had a great time pouring sand from one container into another). 

Mattie woke up really early, before 6 AM, and normally at our house he'd go back to sleep if he were up that early.  But the new surroundings were too much of a distraction, so he was awake.  I was a bit worried about what this might mean for his party behavior, but he was great, as was James (and really, all the other kids, too, although Daniel resisted getting his clothes on before his guests arrived!)

Mattie and James thought it was a fabulous party because they could eat all the cheese puffs they wanted, and Mattie had his first juice box, too, which he thoroughly enjoyed (and yes, squeezed at first).  Mattie also liked the cupcakes, and of course Daniel did too.

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