Thursday, August 11, 2011

Japanese Boys

Today the boys wore their cute new outfits that N brought them from Japan. Thanks so much, N! (We went to a Japanese restaurant tonight with N and her girls, and I was going to get a picture of the boys eating their Japanese noodles in their outfits, but of course as soon as the food arrived Mattie wanted to sit on my lap, and then after a few minutes he dumped his plate over. Oh well!)

Time out fail: I took Mattie into the back hallway of the restaurant for a time out after he dumped his food, and guess what was in there? Yup, a vacuum. So much for leaving the table being a punishment! After that, all he wanted to was go see the vacuum.

We took the boys to the playground after dinner, and they got to see their first (as far as I remember) real live frogs! They were little brown frogs, very well camouflaged with their surroundings.  I probably wouldn't have noticed them except Mattie scared them out of a tree stump. James wanted to hold one, so Daddy caught it for him and both boys got to hold the frog in their hand, and it hopped on their arm and then away. James wanted to catch it again and probably could have, but we didn't want the frog to get hurt in the process, so we didn't let him.

Mattie was looking for acorns in the wooded section of the park, and once James decided to go on the path, he just took off! He was booking it straight into the woods. He's such a little nature boy!

When we were on the trail, part of the high school cross country team came by -- after that, Mattie kept asking to see more "running peoples."

When we came back to the playground, James tried the climbing wall again, and did pretty well at it with some help from Daddy.

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