Sunday, August 7, 2011

Guess Where?

We hadn't actually planned on going to the museum this weekend, but last night when he was going to bed, Mattie said, "Ride the elevator at the museum. I play the drums and see the dinosaurs.  The people are outside. Matthew is inside.  Ride the elevator."  Since the weather forecast didn't look great (and our other plan was to go to the neighborhood lake), we decided, why not? 

And perhaps due the cloudy day (or perhaps because everyone else was out taking advantage of the tax-free weekend shopping), the museum wasn't crowded at all.  We got a good parking place, got to ride on an early train, and had no trouble finding a seat in the cafe.  Yippee! 

The boys got to ring the bell on the train (which turns out to be controlled by a switch -- I was thinking it would be some kind of rope).   They also petted a snake.  But the water fountain remained a prime attraction for them, and yes, Mattie did get to ride his elevator! 

And the kids' meals at the cafe come with a drink, and one option is a small can of apple juice.  Mattie LOVES it.  He was so excited, you would have thought it was Christmas morning because he got to drink his juice. Very cute! (He has juice at home sometimes, but we tend to get more of the citrus type.)

After their naps (it was a very pleasant surprise to have Mattie actually nap on a weekend day), we went to the playground, and since it wasn't crowded either, they got to try out a new swing (the one in the bottom picture), which is usually filled up with big kids. 

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