Thursday, August 18, 2011

More from Mattie

Mattie remembers what we tell him.  This little seat he's standing on is part of the playground, and he and James both love to sit on it and call it a "potty."  I explained to Mattie that it wasn't, so now he says, "looks like a potty but actually a chair!"  He also says, pointing to the web, "This a spider!  This [pointing to the fly in the center] a spider's dinner!"

There was some purple marker on the playground equipment the other day, and he said that it would, "Come off in the bath" and then, "Mommy wash it with a washcloth."

Our smoke detector was beeping the other morning because the batteries were low, and when I was trying to figure out where the noise was coming from, Matthew helpfully suggested, "Stanley push a button."  (No, kiddo, I don't think that was it.)  Since then, one of his favorite questions has become, "What's that noise?"

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