Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On the Charts

We had some good news from the doctor's appointment today: James is on the growth chart for height! (3rd percentile or so, but we'll take it!) Yay, James!  (He also got to see one of our favorite nurses from his NICU days at the appointment-- he doesn't seem to remember her, but it was a nice treat for Mike!)

Unfortunately, he is still not catching up as much as they would like in weight, so the plan is to restart some overnight feedings with the pump (so we'll have to go through all the rigamarole of getting a pump again). I'm not happy about this, but if it helps him do some catch-up growth, then it will be worth it. Still, ugh.

Jamesie was perfectly happy to go to preschool this morning.  He's sooo adorable with his little backpack.  Tonight Mike asked James what he did today, and James said, "Preschool!"  Mike asked what he did there, and James said, "Clean up!"  What else? "Playdoh!"  What else?  "Song!"  (It's hard to get much of a report on their day out of these guys yet, so this was quite good!)

Mattie, on the other hand, started fussing about 20 minutes before we even left the house.  Apparently he was not a happy camper until they went on their walk (which I fear was pretty late in the morning).  But he was fine when we picked him up, so I suppose that's some progress.  (Tonight he told me, "My bears miss me when I'm at preschool."  Aww....)

1 comment:

Niki said...

That picture is a.dor.a.ble; James looks like a little man.