Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boo Hoo

Mattie did not cry when I dropped him off at preschool, but according the teacher, he cried the entire rest of the day. He didn't play with the water or the sandbox and he didn't eat his snack. Poor baby!! (She said when he wasn't crying, he was talking and pointing out things -- she has nicknamed him "chatty Mattie.")

Thursday is our turn as "parent of the day", which is good in that presumably he won't be crying while we're there, and bad because I expect it will be very hard to explain why we won't be there all the time.

I'm kind of surprised about the persistent crying. I know my kiddo can be stubborn, but he can usually be distracted out of his crying, so I wonder how hard they're trying. :) (Mike, meanwhile, is like, "it's fine, he'll get over it, they know what they're doing.") Fortunately, though, Mattie doesn't actually seem to have any problem with going to preschool (that is, he doesn't say anything bad when we ask him about it).

On the bright side, we were putting his backpack in his cubby when we arrived, and they have them labeled with little owl stickers with the names on them. There are four little owls in each cubby. I pointed to his and said, "This says Matthew." He pointed to the one next to it and said, "This says James!" He was right! It could have been coincidence, but I don't think so -- I think he recognizes his brother's name. (Interestingly, that James refers to a little boy in the Monday/Wednesday class, not our James.)

 Jamesie was in good spirits today but still not drinking much.

[Photo is from this weekend.]


Niki said...

Don't worry; it takes some kids longer to adjust than others. :-)

Erin said...

Poor guy, did he miss James?