Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Preschool!

Today was the boys' first day of preschool! Well, sort of -- it was only for an hour, and parents stayed this time. On Thursday, they go for two hours without Mommy and Daddy.

The boys had a good time, and they especially liked drawing and playing with the water table.

But the day was made more exciting than expected because about 45 minutes into the class, the alert sirens went off and the emergency voice said, "Tornado has been sighted. Take cover immediately!" So we all hustled down into the church basement and crowded into a little hallway. (Unfortunately for us, there was a water fountain in the fellowship hall at the end of the hallway, and Mattie wanted to go play with it -- but that area was off limits because it had too many windows. Eventually we moved to a different room with a little more space. We had also brought milk with us, which turned out to be a good move.) After maybe 15-20 minutes they gave the all clear, just in time for everyone to leave.

(The tornado, by the way, had been sighted in the next county over, so it wasn't actually all that close to us. We continued to be under tornado and flood watches all day, but fortunately, there was a break in the rain after preschool ended.)


Ann said...

Oh no! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone!!!!

Anonymous said...

The photo of James with the backpack on almost made me cry. :)
