Thursday, September 15, 2011

More Preschool

Today was our first time as "parent of the day" for preschool. The duties include bringing the snack and hanging out for the second half of the morning.

Mattie did not want to wake up when it was time to wake up, and he didn't want to go to preschool ("go to preschool tomorrow"; "stay here with Mommy!"), so I knew it was going to be a rough morning for him. On the bright side, the teacher told us that he didn't cry the whole time -- she told him that he couldn't cry and eat snack, because he might choke on his food, so he stopped crying to eat. And then she told him he couldn't cry while she was reading a book to him, because he wouldn't be able to hear, so he stopped crying then, too. (The teacher mentioned that one of the little girls in the class doesn't really like loud noises, and she told him, "Matthew, too loud!" That made me laugh!)

He was still pretty upset and clingy when we were there, but fairly soon after we arrived it was time to go on a walk in these nifty carts, so Mattie enjoyed that. They were cutting down an enormous oak tree that had died, so the kids got to see several of the huge branches falling down.

James, on the other hand, was delightful all day, as far as we could tell. When it was time for musical instruments, he was playing with the tamborines right there with his classmates; when it was time for playdough, he happily sat down and started playing with the playdough, no problem. I think he likes preschool!

1 comment:

Niki said...

i love those stroller busses