Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Plain Sight

I may have already mentioned that every night Matthew puts the vacuums "night nights" in their closet, and frequently gives each of them a kiss before closing the door. (Do Daddy and I get a kiss goodnight? No, no we do not.)

Yesterday Mattie wanted to play hide and seek with the shop vacuum. As it turns out, the shop vacuum is not very good at hide and seek, even with Matthew's help. This was its hiding place, right in the middle of the hallway. :) But Daddy pretended to have a hard time finding it, so Mattie was happy.

1 comment:

craig said...

I am sorry you and Mike don't get a kiss good-night. I hope you do not take it out on the vacuum cleaners.

I wonder if Mattie will remember his love of vacuum cleaners when he grows up. I don't remember anything from that early in my life, but I know some people do. And clearly vacuum cleaners are very important to him!